a lelkem zsírpapír, de a szívem is csak karton.

Friss topikok

  • Fruv: Akkor most mi van? :D (2014.03.09. 17:57) kettészakadás.
  • yesterday: óh (2014.01.25. 18:59)
  • naivart: annyira örülök nektek :) és Tomi már most szimpatikus! Pedig már igazán bemutathatnál neki! (2014.01.20. 20:25) történések
  • naivart: Sok szerencsét :D (2014.01.08. 13:53) német.
  • Demonia: Nem csak a környezetedben sajnos.. (2013.10.25. 17:15) why?


hope solo.

2011.08.18. 22:25 Mora Moe

I know, that you will never be my lover. But all my feelings about you are very strong, nothing special, just pure love. I can live with this stone in my heart, to know that you are happy with a girl, who is not me. And I know that you will never hear the words that my soul screams. I cannot remember the date when I became crazy about you, it was in the early beginning, when you were a stranger unknown person.

I lost my past somewhere and got you, but my God was too silent, cause he was not say anything about who are you. I noticed that you will be my man of my life, and when I had this I had my time of my life. I had a lover, a really great lover, but we were to young to alive our teenage life with together. When everybody throws down the mask. I remember the day, when we said it's over... I can recognize all the words that he told me. He carve all his last words into my soul. He was my very first lover, but you see that not the last.

I try to runaway from his memories, but it's faster than me.

But I lost him, and now I have you. I do not know yet what am I searching in you. The only thing that I know that I want you to be mine.

It's your turn.

You see... I lost my first, and I need a man, who will never be mine.

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